
Our website in English

Here you will find an English version of the main sections of our website. 

With this translation, we would like to welcome our international users from all-over the world. 

It also represents a way to share our rich heritage about the contemporary history of the territory. 

This english version will be divided in 4 sections: 

  • Institute (Istituto): where you will find out about the history and the organization of our Institute.
  • Archives (Archivio): Where you will find information about our historical heritage and the way to consult it. 
  • Library (Biblioteca): Where you will find information about the books we lend and how the users can have access to them. 
  • Resources (Risorse) : In this part of the website are collected all the resources available online, already displaced in the other sections. It is a further tool we offer to have an immediate access to useful content, which can be downloaded or consulted online.